"Music is the art that brings me back to myself from my earliest days, it calms me and it renews the sense and faith in what I do. It is the most extraordinary proof that we are not alone and lost."
Slavko Mihalić
„Musik ist die Kunst, die mich aus meinen frühesten Tagen wieder zu mir zurückbringt, sie beruhigt mich und erneuert den Sinn und den Glauben an das, was ich tue. Sie ist der außerordentlichste Beweis dafür, dass wir nicht allein und verloren sind.“
Slavko Mihalić
“Glazba je ona umjetnost koja me od najranijih dana vraća u sebe, smiruje i obnavlja smisao i vjeru u ono što radim. Ona je najčudesniji dokaz da nismo sami i izgubljeni.”
Slavko Mihalić

Ivana was technically superior – expressive and refined, demonstrating sensibility for a beautiful, rounded and nuanced tone – in her performance of works that demand absolute virtuosity and refined musicality with a feeling for the colour and beauty of each tone.
Jasna Lovrinčević
Fenix Magazin, February 2016